Support the digestive function & the regularity of intestinal transit
Active Ingredients:
Rhubarb has been used as a laxative for several thousand years and it is also officially listed in the European and Japanese Pharmacopoeias.
Rhubarb exhibits a series of pharmacological activities and has been widely prescribed to treat gastrointestinal disease, hepatitis, blood diseases, chronic renal failure, and especially, constipation due to its effective purgative activity
However, since rhubarb has antibacterial and purgative activities, the use of this plant may alter the balance of the intestinal microbial ecosystem disturbing the normal function of the body
(Rhamnus frangula is a herbal plant of Eurasian origin and grows spontaneously in mountain meadows, it is widely known in phytotherapy for its laxative properties which make it effective in the treatment of constipation. The bark of this plant contains free anthraquinones or glycosidic form and an emetic principle that disappears as the bark ages (it is advisable to consume the bark aged for at least 1 year). The active ingredients that characterize the plant are: anthraquinone glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, triterpenes, tannins and traces of cyclopeptide alkaloid.
Senna alexandrina is an ornamental plant in the genus Senna, widely used in herbalism. From ancient times till now days, Senna alexandrina is used in the form of senna pods or as herbal tea made from the leaves, as a laxative. Its active ingredients are several senna glycosides which interact with immune cells in the colon and enhancing the activation of peristalsis.
Aloe vera has been used in folk medicine for over 2000 years, and has remained an important component in the traditional medicine of many contemporary cultures, such as China, India, the West Indies, and Japan. Aloe vera latex is commonly used in the treatment of constipation و the laxative effect of the anthraquinone glycosides found in Aloe vera latex is well established. In subjects with chronic constipation, a novel preparation containing Aloe vera, celandine, and psyllium was found to improve a range of constipation indicators (bowel movement frequency, consistency of stools, and laxative dependence) in a 28-day double-blind trial.
They contribute to improve the intestinal transit and digestive function, with a synergic effect.
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